Surprisingly Common Nutrient Deficiencies

Are your health-conscious eating habits backfiring on you? That is a question you need to ask yourself right now.

Most people only pay attention to the calorie, fat, and cholesterol levels of the food they eat. This might be the reason why they are diagnosed with different nutrient deficiencies. Here are three of the most common nutrient deficiencies among Americans:

Iodine Deficiency

Iodine is responsible for stimulating the production of the thyroid hormones, which are in turn responsible for efficient energy consumption, the production of proteins, and other essential bodily functions. Iodine deficiencies are especially dangerous for young children as iodine is also linked to bone and brain development.

Iron Deficiency

Iron aids blood cell production and improves the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to and from cells. A shortage of iron in the body can cause health problems such as anemia, arthritis, and a host of heart conditions. Studies have shown that women are more likely to develop iron deficiencies.

Calcium Deficiency

Surprisingly, only half of the American population receives the recommended daily level of calcium. This is a troubling statistic since calcium deficiencies can lead to osteoporosis, arthritis, tooth decay, and a number of other bone problems.

Fortunately, these deficiencies can be easily resolved with a proper diet. People can also use a multivitamin made by a trusted nutritional supplement maker to remain healthy.

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